Education CenterALL TOPICS

Before Buying Your First House

Buying your first house has been part of the “American Dream” for years. The pride of ownership has been a strong factor in motivating over 60% of all households to own their own homes. In addition, there can be true financial rewards of homeownership. But, not always. Here are some financial issues to consider as you move toward that “American […]

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New Business Considerations

Introduction Going into business for yourself may seem like an overwhelming task.  However, millions of others have done it.  Many have been successful while others have failed.  There are no guarantees, but here are some new business considerations.   Do you have the psychological makeup to handle a start-up? The process of starting, building, growing, and managing a business is […]

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Need a Simple Retirement Plan? Check out a SEP-IRA

  A SEP-IRA could be a simple retirement plan option for you and your business. Two critical issues facing many small business owners are time and cash flow. Shortages of either, or both, of these commodities, often result in neglecting the advantages of having a company retirement plan. In today’s environment, a company retirement plan can become a valuable asset […]

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