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Financial Planning for Beginners: Simple Steps to Master Your Money

Learn how to create a budget, start investing, manage debt, and build a solid financial foundation with these easy-to-follow tips.  Are you ready to take control of your finances but unsure where to begin? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with straightforward tips and key aspects to consider as you embark on your financial journey. In this guide, we’ll discuss […]

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Traditional IRAs vs. Roth IRAs

  Traditional IRAs vs. Roth IRAs | Taxes and Building Wealth The year is wrapping up and a goal for a lot of Americans means building wealth for a stable future. For many this means re-working the family budget, looking for money-saving discounts, and learning new ways to keep more money in the bank. One great way to keep money […]

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Rate Lock Mortgages

Rate Lock Mortgages: What you need to know.   What are rate lock mortgages? Rate lock mortgages are a lender’s offer to secure a certain interest rate for an agreed-upon term. Rate locks protect you from raising interest rates but also keeps you from taking advantage of falling interest rates. Your lender may offer a “one-time float down” option to […]

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